Trainee – Munsingh Garwal

Trainee – Munsingh Garwal


Munsingh belongs to Naranda village in Rama Tehsil of Jhabua and studies in class 11. He was first introduced to bamboo handicrafts here at Shivganga Ashram.

The first skill he learnt was to shave the outer skin of bamboo using shave-horse and draw-knife which is the basic step while working with bamboo. He has learnt to operate different types of chisels, file tools and knifes used in various operations while working on bamboo over the past few months.

Skills Learnt: Using the skills he has learnt, he can make different bamboo products like bamboom amplifiers, bamboo lamps, flower stand and diyas. He says he practically used geometric angles, their calculation and different scales of measurement while practicing various bamboo items – all those things he had theoretically studied in school. Now he even teaches the graph and the precision used for making lamp and it’s calculation to other students.

Responsibility: Munsingh has the responsibility for conducting the evening sports activity. He efficiently conducts 30 different games like “kho-kho”, “kabaddi”, “main shivaji”, etc on different days of the week. Like Munsingh every student in the ashram has a responsibility assigned – big or small which aids in his learning process.

He even goes to other villages and discusses bamboo craft work with other children in the villages and motivates them to come to the ashram and learn bamboo craftsmanship.

important things he learnt

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